After a few months of a drab-looking winter, everyone is ready to get outdoors and start working on their landscape for summer enjoyment. There’s nothing quite as lovely as a garden full of colorful flowers. If you’re lucky enough to have a green thumb and have a talent for design, then your flower beds will be prize winners. If you are like the majority of people, you need a bit of help to pull it all together. A garden design in Cumming, GA, incorporates water gardens, patios, stone back walls, and beautiful flower beds that make your yard look like a real show-piece.

Many Flowers to Choose From
It’s amazing to think about how many different flowering plants are in existence. There are about 450 families of flowering plants, divided into as many as 400,000 species. This can be overwhelming to think about, but we all have our go-to favorites. Sit down for a spell and imagine what you want your flower bed to look like. What colors and textures do you want to see? What about mixing some perennials with annuals so you have some flowers blooming all summer long? Did you forget to plant some bulbs last fall? No worries, there are many cheery flowers that you can plant that will withstand the summer heat and thrive this time of year.
Marigolds and Black-eyed Susans
Marigolds are a must for a summer garden. They are available in bright, warm yellows and oranges, and come in short and tall varieties. You can plant the tall variety in the back of the garden, and some lower plants down in front. They are dense with blossoms and foliage, and if you deadhead the spent flowers, they will bloom until frost. Next you can mix in some black-eyed Susans. The golden flower petals with the dark brown centers also liven up bouquets of cut flowers.
Asters, Lantana, and Blanket Flowers
Another beauty for your summer flower bed is the Aster. These beauties are a rich purple or lavender. They also grow with pink and white flowers as well. The flower is dainty but can take the summer heat, and they add a nice soft touch to the flower bed. Lantana flowers bloom all season long and are drought-tolerant. They come in a wide array of colors, including red, yellow, orange, pink, and purple. Blanket flowers have dainty red petals dipped in golden yellow. They are great in containers and bouquets too. Asters, Lantana, and Blanket Flowers are perennials that will grow again next year.

Cascading Verbena
If you have a wall as a back drop to your flower garden, you could put a pot of purple Verbena on top and let it cascade down. It’s difficult to pick just five flowers with so many beautiful choices. Hopefully, this list has provided you with a little inspiration. It’s time to sit back and enjoy the summer.