Selecting the Right Size Tree for Your Landscape


Most importantly, though, good landscape design should incorporate plants of different sizes and heights. Long expanses of grass and short shrubs will look plain without tall bushes and the right size tree.

That’s where landscape contractors come in. Experts in professional landscaping in Johns Creek can help you choose the right plants that suit your property.

Here is an introductory guide for choosing the right size tree for your landscape, whether you’re looking to fill a single spot in your yard or want to ornament your property with a variety of healthy trees.


First of all, it’s important to note that not all trees are alike. A classic tree with a brown bark below and a green, rounded shape above may be what comes to mind, but there are so many tree species out there that may be right for your yard, even if you want to narrow your selection to easy-to-maintain native plants.

There are trees with tall and short canopies, trees with white or black barks, trees that expand very far horizontally as well as vertically, fruiting trees, trees that change colors in the fall and lose their leaves in the winter, and stalwart evergreens that stay constant year-round. Some trees can grow to staggering heights, while others top out at a comfortably short size. 

Landscape contractors have access to a variety of trees, and can help you choose the best ones to suit your landscape.


A good way to choose the right size tree is to consider placement. Are you looking for a tree that will stand in the middle of your yard? If so, then take care that it never grows tall enough to block your house or office. Do you want the tree to provide shade or cover?

For the sake of balance, large trees are best positioned far away from tall structures. Not only will this provide consistent height throughout your yard, it will prevent limbs from collapsing onto your roof or onto cars.

Consider Size When Purchased

It’s not recommended that you buy small tree saplings. While they’re inexpensive, it will take years, even several decades, for them to grow to an impressive size, and they’ll have almost no effect on the appearance of your landscape. It’s best to buy trees at a height that looks attractive now, while accommodating for future growth. Good landscape contractors can help you understand the rate of growth of your trees, and a timeline at which certain growths will develop. For instance, certain trees must be several decades old before they begin dropping acorns or producing fruit. 

However, you shouldn’t drop thousands for a very large, mature tree. The larger a tree is when it’s transplanted, the longer it will take to “establish,” or develop healthy root growths and stay healthy. That means more upkeep, and a greater risk of failure.

Take a little professional advice before you plant trees on your property. Experts in landscaping in Johns Creek like Stoeckig Landscape Group can help you make the right decision for your budget, the look you hope to create, and more.