7 Tips for a Thriving Patio Container Garden

7 Tips for a Thriving Patio Container Garden

So you’ve heard the buzz about patio container gardening and decided to give it a try. Congratulations! Container gardening is a great way to add some greenery and beauty to your outdoor space, whether you have a large backyard or a small balcony. However, any...
Trending Modern Backyard Patio Designs for 2024

Trending Modern Backyard Patio Designs for 2024

Imagine sipping your morning coffee on a patio adorned with comfortable furniture and lush greenery as the sun starts to peek out from the horizon or hosting a lively backyard barbecue party that becomes the talk of the neighborhood! Turn this elevated outdoor living...
7 Tips for Making Your Small Patio Seem Larger

7 Tips for Making Your Small Patio Seem Larger

Taking a glance at your small patio may have you thinking there’s not much you can do to make it functional. However, with a few simple design tips you can create the illusion of a larger space and transform your small patio design into an outdoor oasis. Breaking...

Why Stone is the Way to Go in Landscaping Designs

Landscaping trends are leaning towards stone as the way to go when it comes to transforming backyard basis into environments people can enjoy. While grasses, vines, and other plants make beautiful backyards, they require work each year to upkeep and can cause you to...

4 Patio Decorations That Help Repel Bugs

Your backyard patio is a gathering place for friends and family, a place where you entertain your neighbors and strengthen friendships. You put a lot of time and effort into ensuring that your patio and your yard are the perfect entertaining spaces and you may have...